Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Melons & Beans

I just started my watermelons, cantaloupes, honeydew, and pole lima beans in peat pots yesterday evening. Can't wait to see them take off. But hopefully not too much before it's time for them to go outside. :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tomatoes and More

Both batches of tomato seedlings got so big so fast that the first was starting to wilt and the second was almost as big but not yet wilting. I decided I needed to start another batch just in case, and plant my tomato plants in the garden way early. So Sunday I started some more tomato and eggplant seedlings, as well as some basil and oregano seedlings. I also transplanted some lettuce Ann gave me, and filled in some gaps in the rows of peas with fresh seed.

Then yesterday evening, I planted a dozen tomato plants in the garden. I've filled some milk cartons with water and sat them near the plants to act as a heat sink to collect heat during the day and release it at night. I'm collecting more milk cartons so that if a frost is coming I can cover each tomato plant, and I need to get tomato stakes soon.

It has just gotten to be time I could start my melons, but now I'm paranoid about starting seedlings too early, so I'll probably wait a bit.