Saturday, March 21, 2009

Notes on Planting Trees

Here, I'm recaping some of the tips and techniques gleaned from the info booklets sent out by Stark Bro's and the Arbor Day Foundation on planting trees so I'll remember them later.

Dig a bigger hole than you think you need (I did something like 2' wide by 2' deep), mix the dirt with composted manure (yes I had some left over) and shovel some of the mix back in the hole.

Plant bareroot trees immediately. Unless it's below freezing and the ground is frozen. If you have no choice but to wait, pour water over the roots daily, rewrap in plastic and store in a cool dark place. Or, if you have ten tiny trees, you can heel them in, that is, stick them in a temporary angled trench, cover with dirt, and water as if they were planted.

Submerge roots in cool water for 4-6 hours or 24 hours max right before planting. I skimped and did 3 hours for the peach tree... none for the floering trees.

Plant dwarf trees so the graft point is 2-3 inches above soil. Standard trees an inch or two deeper than the dirt line from the nursery.

When filling the hole around the tree work the dirt around the roots to eliminate air pockets. Don't bend the roots; dig more or prune. Let the roots spread out. Water thoroughly when half to 2/3 full, and continue filling with dirt. Shape the top to retain water over the tree so it will soak in instead of running off.

Prune heavily to make up for the loss of roots. I skipped this by getting the tree pre-pruned.

Mulch, but not so it touches the tree.

Water thoroughly (2-3 gallons) every 2 weeks. Arbor Day says water thoroughly every week to 10 days.

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